Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 12 Body and Soul Boot camp

I just love this picture of Faith.  It was her first time at the Ocean and she was in awe and wonder.  She was a little timid at first, but then she wanted to jump all the waves!  We went to visit my mom's sister and my grandma, so Faith's Mimi and G.G back in August.  Now, that summer is coming to an end, it makes me long to go back to the ocean for just 1 more dip of my toes.


"How precious to me are you thoughts about me, O God"  How vast is the sum of them!" Psalm 139:17

You know when you know a fact about something, but it is just a fact to you and maybe you don't absorb the meaning and let it soak into your heart all the time?  I know that God thinks about me/you all the time.  Yes, God thinks about me/you all the time.  Let's say that again, GOD THINKS ABOUT ME/YOU ALL THE TIME.  God is so mighty and loves us so much he never stops thinking about us.  I know I don't think about Him all the time and it humbles me every time I really let myself absorb this truth.  It is so easy to let the words and actions of this world cloud us with things that are not of Him.  I am going to strive to thank God more, to seek Him more, and to give more in His name.  I spent a little time reading all of Psalm 139 as well as reading Kate's devotional on this verse.  Head on over!


My workout today was a melting pot of sorts.  I did a little of this and a little of that (jogging, sprints, stairs, walking...repeat).  It was actually fun and different and it got my heart rate up!  Anyone else suffer with allergies?  The ragweed here is horrible right now and pretty much prevents me from walking and for sure running outside.  I LOVE walks.  I MISS walks.  I WANNA walk!  Maybe next week will be better. :)


Today's, featured shake is the Skinny Starbucks Frappuccino!  I am kicking myself that I didn't add the cocoa powder to make it chocolatey.  Next time!  I do have chocolate protein powder, so that would have been something fun to try for a more mocha flavor. You will laugh at this...I decided to make this shake for an afternoon snack after my workout.  My daughter is down for a nap and I in no way shape or form wanted to wake her up, so I did what any smart mom does--come up with a plan of action to make it work!  I took the blender with all it's goodness down to our dungeon basement and blended it down there.  I got my shake and my daughter didn't wake up.  Brilliant!

I may or may not be hugging the blender in anticipation of my shake. ;)

Have a great day!


sarah.flyingkites said...


Tara said...

I can't wait to try these shakes! I ordered a new blender Sunday! I did this workout earlier this week and it was tough. I could only make it so far and I had to quit.