Okay...so...my birthday cake...it kind of flopped. :( Well, it didn't really, but it didn't turn out how I wanted it to. This cake that I made for my birthday is a family tradition. My dad, brother, and I have had this cake for our birthdays for years and years. We all fight on who gets the corner of the cake which is so funny because everyone can get a corner. :) You see, my mom passed away two years ago and she never "taught" me how to make the icing. Every birthday, we talked about that she needed to teach me how to make the icing, but I guess we didn't want to face that she may not be here to make more birthday cakes, so we avoided the lesson. I so regret that my friends. Last night as I was making the icing, I was almost in tears because I just kept thinking about how mom never "taught" me the technique. Sure I could read the recipe she had that I now have, but I couldn't get pointers from her on how to exactly do it...you know?... This is the second year I have attempted the icing and well, I guess I need a few more years practice. If you have a favorite family recipe, don't wait to be taught how to make it. Oh, you want to know what kind of cake it is...it's chocolate cake with caramel icing. It is so good and soooo sweet!
Here is the picture of the cake...part way eaten. LOL! I forgot to take a "before" picture.
"God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But, when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
I have read Katie's devotional on this several times and it is just so good! I am having trouble adding to it. Please head over HERE and read it. Don't keep reading until you do. There is such good truth in this verse! What I would like to add is another version of this same 1 Corinthians 10:13 verse. I am having a great time looking up different version of the verses in this devotional. I like to use Bible Gateway.
"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And, God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure." 1 Corinthians 10:13 New Living Translation
There are two parts that I love best about this verse. The first, is how short, sweet, and to the very point the sentence "And, God is faithful." is right there in the middle of the verse. I love that! I mean, that is IT.."God is faithful" PERIOD. I also love the last word "endure." How many times can we look back at something we were tempted with and said, "yes, I did endure that situation." It was hard, but I "endured." I made it through. Praise Jesus!
Today, we were back to the strength training. By the way, I loved reading all your favorite workouts. I will have to try some of them!
Last week, I did the workout during Faith's nap time. This week, I have done the strength workouts while Faith watches her morning shows. It has worked out great actually. I was laughing so hard when I was doing the plank ups because she came back round me and put her body weight on my legs! I was lifting my weight and her weight. She is tough coach! ;)
I feel like I am starting to feel a little stronger even with having this awful cold/allergy thing going on right now. I really struggled with breathing through it, but the actual strength things seemed a wee bit easier. ;)
Someone forgot to get the memo to actually get up and move when Hooper leads exercise!
Okay, that is better!
Hey, tomorrow is Friday! You know what that means...DESSERT! I cannot wait to make this dessert I have for you tomorrow. You don't want to miss it!
If you haven't don't forget to enter in the giveaway on the Day 7 post below.
Have a great day!
Love that verse!! It is so comforting to know that GOD is always faithful...nothing will ever change that! No matter how our life changes, GOD IS Faithful!
funny that faith did decide to add some weight to your workout :-) pretty much every time i lay down on the ground now, lazarus asks me "exercise?" meaning that if i'm about to do situps or something fun like that, he's going to try to sit on me :-)
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